Providing Documents

Providing Documents

There are a few ways of providing operations and fragments (documents in general).

JavaScript And TypeScript Files

GraphQL Inspector supports glob pattern.


Given the example above, Inspector will search every file that matches that pattern and extract operations and fragments wrapped with gql or graphql template literal tag.

Supported extensions: .ts, .tsx, .js and .jsx.

GraphQL Files

GraphQL Inspector supports glob pattern.


Given the example above, Inspector will search every file that matches that pattern and extract operations and fragments.

Supported extensions: .graphql, .graphqls and .gql.


Remember to wrap a glob pattern with quotes: "./src/app/**/*.graphql"

Programmatic API

If you are using programmatic API, you might find @graphql-tools/load package useful for loading documents. Learn more here.

const { validate } = require('@graphql-inspector/core')
const { loadDocuments } = require('@graphql-tools/load')
const { GraphQLFileLoader } = require('@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader')
const graphql = require('graphql')
const documents = loadDocuments('./src/**/*.graphql', {
  loaders: [new GraphQLFileLoader()]
// Convert documents to the format expected by "validate" function
const sources = => {
  return new graphql.Source(graphql.print(doc.document), doc.location)
const invalidDocuments = validate(schema, sources)